Our areas of expertise

image family


A Family Office is intended to serve as a single point of contact for the daily and long-term concerns. We provide administrative and financial monotoring of some time-consuming daily activities, to free up more time for our customers.


We determine together our intervention scope:


– Advice in housing research

– Handling of mail and paperwork

– Property management

– Assistance in the collections conservation

– Maintenance and security of homes during absences


Mr. Elie Hanna has 25 years of experience in the Private Banking field,  with a demanding banking clientele, from a variety of geographical horizons.


Hanna family office puts its skills at the service of our clients :


– Bank accounts opening

– Investment benchmarking

– Performance check

– Supervision of management mandates with banks

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Image phylanthropy


Disinterested generosity, with the aim of improving the life of others, is not very easy to implement. We listen to each family to understand your philantropic interests, to ensure that actions accurately reflect your wishes and goals. We control with diligence the reality & the ethics of the missions that you wish to accompany and promote.


– Choice of missions to support

– Verification of their diligence

– Control of the donation ethical reality

Wealth Planning

The use of external expertise is essential for topics of strategic importance. We will be at your side to assist you in the process:


– Estate Planning

– Generational Transmission

– Tax advise and fiscality