
When central banks intervene in the currency market, by making it known in the media, it is almost always to buy their national currency on the foreign exchange market, and prevent it from rapid and violent falls. Regarding the Swiss National Bank (SNB), since the beginning of this century at least, it intervenes always on the contrary, by selling Swiss francs, making it known or not, to slow the rise in its parity to other currencies. Apart from the abrupt, irresponsible and unforgivable abandonment of the fixed parity vis-à-vis the EURO at 1.20 in 2015, which has caused an uncontrollable rise in the franc of around 30% in a few days, the policy of the SNB is generally applauded.

Since 1959 Switzerland has been governed by what is called a “Magic Formula”, according to which the four largest parties in the country rule together. It is not a government of national unity but of national agreement (Entente Nationale). The right parties have the majority.

Today, the customer who wants to transfer a large sum receives a phone call from two people of his bank, according to a procedure called "call-back". Not only to make sure that it is the client who is behind the instruction, but also to understand the economic background of the transaction. The bank asks questions, many questions.